how to play bunco with 8 players

Are you ready to roll the dice and have a blast with your friends? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll show you how to play Bunco with 8 players.

Whether you’re hosting a game night or just want to add some excitement to your next gathering, Bunco is the perfect game for an entertaining and unforgettable time.

So grab your lucky charm and get ready for a thrilling evening of laughter, competition, and fantastic memories!

What is Bunco?

Bunco is a dice game typically played with 12 people. The game is split into rounds, and each player takes turns rolling the dice. The aim of the game is to score as many points as possible.

To score points, players must roll the dice and match the number on the die with the number on their scorecard.

For example, if a player rolls a 5 and their scorecard has a 5 in the middle column, they would cross off that number. If they rolled a 5 and their scorecard had a 1 in the middle column, they would not score any points.

The first player to reach 21 points in a round is the winner of that round. At the end of each round, players tally up their total points for that round. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the overall winner.

How to Play Bunco with 8 Players?

Bunco is a social dice game that can be played with any number of players but is typically played with 8.

The object of the game is to score points by rolling dice and matching the numbers on the dice with the numbers on your scorecard. At the end of each round, the player with the most points is the winner.

To set up a game of Bunco, you will need 8 players, 2 sets of 6 dice, and 1 scorecard for each player. Each player should sit at their own spot around the table.

The first person to start rolling is chosen at random, and play passes clockwise around the table.

To play Bunco, each player takes a turn rolling all 6 dice at once. The object of each turn is to score as many points as possible by matching the numbers on the dice with those on your scorecard.

For example, if you roll a 3 and a 5, you would mark down 3 points in the “3” column and 5 points in the “5” column. If you roll three of a kind (e.g., three 3s), you would mark down 21 points in that column; if you roll four of a kind (e.g., four 4s), you would mark down 41 points in that column; etc.

Rules for Playing Bunco with 8 Players

Bunco is a popular dice game that can be played with 8 players. The object of the game is to score points by rolling the dice and matching the numbers on the dice with the numbers on your scorecard.

There are a few simple rules that you need to follow in order to play Bunco with 8 players:

  1. Each player will need their own scorecard and a pencil.
  2. Players will take turns rolling the three dice. The player who rolls the highest number on the first roll starts the game.
  3. On each turn, the player will roll all three dice and try to match the numbers on the dice with the numbers on their scorecard. If they match any of the numbers, they will cross those numbers off their scorecard. For example, if a player rolls a 5, a 2, and a 1, they would cross off any fives, twos, or ones that are on their scorecard. If they don’t match any of the numbers, they simply mark an “X” next to their current total for that round.
  4. Play continues until one player has reached 21 points (a “bunco”). At this point, that player becomes the winner, and the play stops for everyone else. The player who did not reach 21 points receives a consolation prize (usually some sort of small toy or candy).
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Tips for Winning the Game

To win at Bunco, you need to score more points than your opponents. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

  1. Keep track of which numbers have been called. This will help you predict which numbers are likely to be called next and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  2. Try to get rid of all your dice before the end of each round. The more dice you have left, the more points you’ll lose.
  3. Pay attention to the other players and their strategies. You can learn a lot by watching how they play and adapt your own strategy accordingly.
  4. Have fun! Bunco is meant to be a game, so make sure you’re enjoying yourself while playing.

Variations on Traditional Bunco Rules

There are many variations of the traditional Bunco rules that can be used to spice up the game. Here are a few of our favorites:

  • Change up the teams – instead of having two teams of four, try three teams of three or even four teams of two.
  • Use different colored dice – this will help players keep track of their own progress as well as their team’s.
  • Add special rules for certain numbers – for example, 12 could be a free roll and 20 could be an automatic win.
  • Keep score with beads or poker chips instead of just using pencil and paper – this makes it more fun and interactive!

Alternatives to Traditional Bunco

While the traditional game of Bunco is a lot of fun, there are some alternatives that can be just as fun. One popular alternative is to play with a smaller number of players.

This can be done by either playing with only two teams of three players or by playing with four teams of two players.

Another popular alternative is to play with a larger number of dice. This can be done by either increasing the number of dice per player or by giving each player an additional die.

Another popular alternative is to use different colored dice. This can add an element of strategy to the game, as players will need to decide which color die to use in order to maximize their chances of winning.


Bunco with 8 players is a great way to have fun and get together with friends. With this game, there are plenty of chances for some friendly competition and lots of laughter as well.

We hope that our guide has given you the confidence to invite your group of friends over or host it online so that everyone can take part in an exciting game night!

Be sure to check out the different variations of Bunco too, such as four-player bunco and team bunco. Get ready to have a blast playing this classic dice game!