Are you ready to elevate your tennis game and take it on the court with a partner? Doubles tennis is an exhilarating, fast-paced sport that requires teamwork, strategy, and flawless coordination.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned singles player looking to dive into the dynamic world of doubles, this blog post will guide you through the essential techniques, strategies, and rules needed to ace your way to victory. Get ready for an exciting journey as we unlock the secrets of how to play doubles in tennis like a pro!

Overview of Doubles in Tennis

When playing doubles in tennis, there are a few key things to remember. First, each player on a doubles team has a designated court space, which is half of the total court. This means that each player is responsible for covering half of the court when their opponent is serving.

Additionally, the players on each team stand on opposite sides of the net when their opponents are serving; one player stands behind the baseline, and the other at the service line.

When returning serve, both players on the team can move anywhere they want on their side of the court. However, it is generally advisable for one player to stay at or near the baseline while their partner moves up to the net. This gives each team two options for return: either by hitting it back deep to their opponents or by volleying it up close to the net.

One important strategy in doubles is known as “poaching.” Poaching occurs when one player on a team moves into their partner’s court space in order to intercept an opponent’s shot. This can be effective if done correctly, but it also leaves your partner vulnerable if you don’t make the shot. As such, poaching should be used sparingly and only when you and your partner are confident that you can make the shot.

Doubles tennis is a fast-paced and exciting game that requires split-second decisions and strategic thinking. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of

Roles and Responsibilities of Players in a Doubles Match

When playing doubles in tennis, there are specific roles and responsibilities that each player must take on in order to be successful.

Here is a breakdown of what each player should be focusing on during a match:

The Server: The player who is serving will need to focus on getting the ball into play and putting their opponents under pressure. They will also need to be aware of their partner’s position on the court and make sure they are communicated with so that they can cover the appropriate areas.

The Receiver: The player who is receiving the serve will need to be ready to return any shot that comes their way. They will also need to be aware of their partner’s position and communicate with them so that they can cover the appropriate areas.

The Net Player: The player who is closest to the net will need to be ready to volley any shots that come their way. They will also need to pay attention to their opponent’s positioning and communicate with their partner so that they can cover the appropriate areas.

The Baseline Player: The player who is furthest from the net will need to focus on hitting deep shots and keeping the rally going. They will also need to pay attention to their opponent’s positioning and communicate with their partner so that they can cover the appropriate areas.

Strategies for Playing Doubles Tennis

When playing doubles in tennis, there are a few key strategies to keep in mind in order to be successful. First, it is important to communicate with your partner and decide who will take the forehand and who will take the backhand. It is also important to develop a game plan and strategy specific to your opponents.

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For example, if your opponents are good at volleying, you may want to stay back on your side of the court and hit more groundstrokes. Alternatively, if your opponents are weaker at net, you may want to come to the net more often.

Another important strategy for doubles is knowing when to poach. Poaching occurs when one player goes for a shot that their partner would normally go for. This can be effective when your opponents are not expecting it and can help you win more points. However, it is important not to overdo it as this can frustrate your partner and lead to tension on the court.

It is crucial to have good footwork when playing doubles. Because you have a larger court to cover, you need to be able move quickly and efficiently around the court. This means being light on your feet and always being ready to make a move. With good footwork and these other strategies in mind, you can be well on your way to success in doubles tennis!

Tips for Improving Your Game

When playing doubles in tennis, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and know where your partner is at all times. Communicating with your partner is also key, as you need to be on the same page in order to win points. Playing as a team will help you win more games than if you were playing alone.

Here are some tips for improving your game when playing doubles:

  1. Stay aware of where your partner is at all times and communicate with them often.
  2. Play as a team and work together to win points.
  3. Be aggressive and take control of the net.
  4. Use different strategies and shots to keep your opponents guessing.
  5. Have fun! Playing with a positive attitude will help you improve your game.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Playing Doubles

When playing doubles in tennis, there are a few common mistakes that players often make. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when playing doubles:

Not Communicating: One of the most important aspects of playing doubles is communication. You and your partner need to be on the same page, communicating with each other constantly. If you’re not communicating well, it will be very difficult to play effectively as a team.

Not Covering The Court: Another common mistake is not covering enough of the court. When you’re playing doubles, you need to cover more ground than when you’re playing singles. This means moving around more and being ready to hit any shot that comes your way. If you and your partner are not covering enough of the court, your opponents will take advantage and start winning more points.

Not Returning Serve: One of the biggest mistakes players make when playing doubles is not returning serve effectively. It’s important to put pressure on your opponents by returning their serves deep into their court. This will force them to play more defensive shots and eventually make mistakes. If you’re not returning serve well, your opponents will have an easy time winning points.

These are just a few of the most common mistakes made when playing doubles in tennis. By avoiding these mistakes, you’ll be on your way to becoming a better doubles player!


Playing doubles in tennis can be an enjoyable way to spice up your game. With proper communication and teamwork, you can greatly improve your performance on the court. We hope that our tips have given you a better understanding of how to play doubles in tennis and what strategies work best when playing with a partner. So get out there, grab a friend or two, and start having some fun!